02 September 2007

we have re-re-moved!

o the Typepad hosting is GONE and I am now hosting it on a server so I don't have to abide by so many rules (and it is much cheaper in all honesty) No word yet on what I might do with this blog, but I will do something with it sooner or later. :) In the meantime, go to: OUR NEW HOME HERE and click on the "LA LA LANDmine" logo to get to the celeb blog. There will be more content coming your way on there as well so sit tight. See ya soon...

08 May 2007

New site

Have you made it over to the new HOME yet? If not, what the fuck is wrong with you? C'mon over. There are animated gifs of Jessica Biel's ass for no real reason what so ever. C'mon people! It looks so good. :)

03 May 2007

New Site

OK, I totally lied. I'm not double posting. The new site is up and running. I will keep this one here for the archives of the REALLY old posts since they wouldn't let me take all my babies with me.

On the move!

Ladies and germs, I am moving to a new host provider because it looks better and I should be able to generate some more traffic there. I will probably double post everything here and there for at least a few weeks. I will let you know once I am moving there full time. After that, this place will probably become more of a personal bullshit haven of no interest to anyone but me. Here is the new HOME! P.S. The blog title is changing too. I just thought it was too unwieldy. P.P.S. The "official" domain name will be www.sithomeandrot.com once all the internet nerd shit is all sorted out. But the one I provided above should still work no matter what.

02 May 2007

Dumpster Or Domicile?

Look closely...closer...too close. If you guessed "dumpster" you are wrong. This place had it's heart in the right place, but in the end it looks drab and lifeless and, oh yeah, it looks like piles of empty crates from a freight ship ready to go to the scrap yard. I guess that's why it's out in the middle of nowhere. See the rest of the pix HERE

Fun With Forests & Zip Lines

Have you ever thought to yourself, "fuck it, I'm in the jungle high above the canopy, lemme stretch a 1000m zip line 30m off the forest floor and fly way the fuck that way!" Some one did; and this guy was kind enough to videotape his journey. (you know you have a little part of you that is praying the rope snaps right? ) Video: HERE

'Babel' Is A Vomit Fest

According to the Japanese distributor, watching the movie 'Babel' is liable to make you sick. At first I thought they were making a strange commentary on the relative weakness of the plot or story on offer, but apparently it's a strobe light scene that gives people the dizzies. At least they can say they share a kindred spirit with Pokemon. Bravo, 'Babel'! Full Story

Little Man, Big Cops

This is probably the funniest thing that has ever appear on United States television. Possible hyperbole, but still, really funny. The dude tries to climb a light pole to get away from the cops for Christ's sake! EDIT: The video was auto loading if you embed it. Click HERE to see the the hilarity ensue.

Scarface Pt. 2 Trailer?

01 May 2007

Mascot Love

World Get A More Little Dumber

Lesson #1 why you don't get near an angry cow. Good one dumbfuck...

The Tap Is Back!

Spinal Tap is reuniting for some earth awareness thing that people will give a shit about for a week then forget until another one is shoveled upon us. More Here. They also offer you this video.

Paris Hilton: Autopsy Art

So for those who can't wait the 6 months til she is on the coroners table for real from drinking/drugs/STD/Stupidity, here is the latest sculpture from the man who brought you Britney's crowning girlie bits as she was giving birth to her son. Paris Hilton on an autopsy table complete with moveable guts. Is it odd that the sculpture has more life and personality than she does? Living room show piece for sure. STORY

Scarlett Johansson: The Re-deadening

For those who couldn't get enough of the clip of Scarlett embarrassing herself at Coachella this weekend, here is a much longer version of her "singing" performance. Enjoy/leave hateful comments...

Lindsay Lohan Deserves An Oscar, Dammit!

As soon as they start handing them out for doing coke in the bathroom of nightclubs and blowing 10 random guys a night in the back of limo I'm sure she is a shoe in. She really somehow manages to make herself look more retarded by the day. According to her, she is more famous than Madonna and the paparazzi are the only thing holding back her quest for Oscar. The jokes write themselves folks. Story Photo: Reuters/Mario Anzuoni


I'm not a big fan of Kathy Griffin which makes this all the funnier. She "attempted" to exit her car in London and ate pavement...HARD. Source EDIT: NO, she is not drunk. Makes it even sadder

Can't Stop Knut

Attention struggling writers: You have been slaving for years over your novel. Perfecting it. Polishing it. Hoping someone would throw you the slightest bone so your voice could be heard. Now, an illiterate, infant POLAR BEAR has gotten a book deal. I suggest using Google to find the best way to end your life now. You were just beaten by a baby bear. Good one dumb fuck. Celebrity polar bear Knut gets book deal | Lifestyle | Reuters

The 10 Real Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Lovers -

Attention geeks: You really are a good lay. Chicks just don't know it yet. If only Galadriel would sally forth from Lothlorien and take you under her gossamer gown and let you show her the worldly delights of humans you'd show the world your status as a virgin is a grave injustice. The 10 Real Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Lovers -: "The 10 Real Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Lovers" (read the editor's note CAREFULLY if you are at work)

30 April 2007

Good bye, Mike! Hello, Christine!

So sportswriter Mike Penner of the LA Times is a transsexual. He feels he should be Christine...why this revelation was sports page worthy is anyone's guess. Just in case anyone out there is wondering what the hell happened to Mike Penner's columns now you know. Christine is taking over. Anyone else think he is praying hardcore that male pattern baldness doesn't run in his family? Read the full story HERE

Marilyn Manson Tries So Hard...

Here is a video of a promo for some new song/album of his (should be safe for work, it's just 2 people kissing covered in blood). It's pretty much just a video of him making out with his new girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood. I guess I would do that too if I was 40 years old and I was nailing a 19 year old so I can't blame him too much...still a douche who tries too hard to be "shocking" rehashing Alice Cooper bits though.

Scarlett Sings (sorta)

She has been "singing" more and more lately...and it makes me wish she would just sit around looking hot instead. Here is a video of her "singing" with Jesus and Mary Chain this past weekend at Coachella. Can you hear her? I can't. In the close up of her mouth she is clearly mumbling. Ridiculous...

Britney Dresses Funny

I'm not expert on women's fasions, but what it the point of wearing a shirt that covers absolutely nothing and looks retarded? Is it a mosquito net, does she fear malaria? Holy shit it's malaria...we're all doomed! BTW-Judging by all the recent sightings of her, it looks like I have a new neighbor. Should be fun getting run off the road by papparazzo merauders in my own neighborhood in addition to work. Nice. More pix HERE

29 April 2007

Cut That Hair!

For those of you who's trip to Iran is coming up, I have bad news. They aren't allowing "Western hairdos" anymore. I'm not sure what qualifies so consult your Islamic hair law manual before you go. That is all. Iranian Barbers


I noticed that it was requiring people to sign up to comment. There is a way to turn that off..I have done that. So comment if you'd like without having to add another e-mail to delete on a weekly basis or having to sign up to be a member at another place. ;)